My little one celebrated his first trip around the sun yesterday. We had a very quiet first Birthday with our favorite little man. I made him french toast for breakfast and we took him on a nice long walk .In the afternoon we spent a few hours at the library with my brother and some friends. D had a fun time playing and trying to run around the library. At the end of the day we openned some gifts and had a little bit of cake. D wasn't too interested in the cake. He took maybe 2 bites and that was the end of that. He did enjoy the present my Dad made for him. It was a riding toy that he made from scratch. D pushed it around the house and rode on it a few times. It was a very nice , calm day spent together as a family. We are going to celebrate again later this month with his Grandma and some of our friends. Here are some pictures for the day. I will share the homemades here tomorrow. I have been very busy trying to keep up with orders for my etsy shop. Time is very limited lately.

Its not a first Birthday until the Birthday boy cries. He fell and bumped his head at the library.
All better now!
Uncle Jo Jo and D playing with the train table at library
Climbing on Daddy
Family Pic
Mommy finally making an appearance in the picture. Oh I need to get my hair done.
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