Little one you are 1 month old. You gave already grown so much in such a short time. You were born on March 8, at 8:17 am to a loving mother and father. You came into the world naturally. You weighed 7.6lbs and were 20 inches long. You probably weigh about 10.5 lbs and have grown at least 2 inches. I am so proud to have you as my son and so happy to have you in my life. There have been many ups and downs this past month, but we are making it one day at a time.

You are so stong-willed/you grunt when you eat/i call you little bear/you love to be close to your mommy and daddy/you love bathtime and playing on your lambswool/you smack your lips together when you are hungry/ you are already trying to crawl/you kick your legs frantically when trying to eat/you love your grandma and grandpa/you like to sit in your bouncy seat and stare at the picture of your mom and dad/you're sensitive/you like to put your hands on your face/your squirmy like your mother/you make the cutiest noises when you sleep/you have a full head of hair/you sneeze a lot just like your dad/you're feisty/you like to cuddle in bed with mommy/you like to dance with mommy in the moby wrap/your eyes are gray/you are happy one minute and upset the next/you smell good/you have a hard time taking nap in the afternoon but you love to sleep in the car/.you like like a little man already/you like your daddy/you like to wear your hat when you sleep/you had a hard time learning how to eat/you like to go for walks in your stroller/the neighbors love you/your aunts and uncle love you too/you love when i sing beautiful boy and you are my sunshine to you/you can hold your head up/you have come into a crafty family-daddy builds guitars and mommy sews and dances/ we are so glad you have chose us as your parents.

I look foward to what the future will bring with you. I look forward to all the things we will do together, but I also cherish every moment now, because I know they will be over in the blink of an eye. I love you little man.. We love you!
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